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Wildwood, April 6, 2024 - In a move that has sparked widespread debate and captured the attention of holiday enthusiasts and civil liberty groups alike, the City of Wildwood is poised to lead an unprecedented charge against traditional Christmas celebrations. The city council is scheduled to vote on a highly contentious holiday lighting ordinance this Monday, April 8th, a day when the rest of the world will be turning its eyes skyward to witness a rare and spectacular solar eclipse.

The proposed ordinance seeks to impose strict limitations on the use of holiday lighting and decorations by residents and businesses within city limits, citing energy conservation and light pollution as the primary motivators for the legislation. Critics, however, argue that the timing of the ordinance, coupled with its stringent regulations, amounts to an outright assault on the spirit of Christmas and the personal freedoms of Wildwood’s inhabitants.

“This isn’t just about lights; it’s about our right to celebrate and express joy during one of the most cherished times of the year,” stated Chris Hammond, a local resident and vocal opponent of the ordinance. “The fact that this vote is happening while the world celebrates unity and wonder during the eclipse only adds insult to injury.”

Amidst this already heated debate, some see the ordinance as part of a broader pattern of attacks on Christmas traditions. There is growing concern among residents that such regulatory measures could extend beyond lighting to other aspects of holiday celebrations, further diminishing the season’s joy and community spirit. This perspective fuels fears that the cherished festive ambiance of Wildwood could be irreversibly changed, leaving a colder, less welcoming community environment in its wake.

The juxtaposition of the ordinance vote with the global celebration of the eclipse has only heightened tensions within the community. While many cities around the world are hosting special events and viewing parties to commemorate the celestial event, Wildwood’s focus on domestic policy has placed it at the center of a heated debate on individual freedoms versus excessive government regulation.

As Monday approaches opponents of the ordinance are mobilizing. The outcome of the vote is uncertain, but one thing is clear: the eyes of Wildwood, and perhaps the world, will be on the city council chambers this Monday, even as the skies darken and the stars align for a moment of astronomical wonder.

You can read the ordinance here

And send your comments for the meeting here though it would be better if you deliver those comments in person at the meeting.

Meeting Info:
City Hall Council Chambers
16860 Main Street, Wildwood, MO
Monday, April 8, 2024 6:30 P.M.

Contact your City Council Rep

Find them listed here

Update 4/7/2024

Word is that an ammendmant will be introduced to limit this to only multifamily properties (apartments) and remove the Kelvin restrictions. No guarantees that happens or passes, so continue to fight against the changes to the ordinance.

Update 4/10/2024

The City Council shot down both the original ordinance and the amended version on Monday night. Lights are safe in Wildwood, for now. Unless of course you’re a high school (or any business) and want to put up an LED sign. The city won’t allow that.

Update 4/14/2024

Someone in Wildwood is offended because some apartment dwellers are decorating their patios/decks. Rather than talking to the apartment complex about addressing it themselves, they feel it makes more sense for the City to waste resources in doing so. Check out some of the crazy discussion at the City Council meeting from 4/8/2024

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Wildwood, Missouri

A citizen of Wildwood, Missouri. I love my city and want to share information about it with others.


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